Restoring Mexico’s Colorado River Delta, One Tree at a Time


Sonoran Institute and volunteers to plant 3,000 native trees during annual event



Sonoran Institute and nearly 250 volunteers will gather in the Colorado River Delta to plant approximately 3,000 native cottonwood, mesquite and willow trees as part of an ongoing effort to restore marsh, riparian and estuarine habitat along 100 river miles of shoreline.

The fifth “Reforestation at Laguna Grande” event is an annual public tree planting that brings together government agencies, nonprofit groups, volunteers and the general public to promote the rehabilitation and protection of the largest and most-dense stand of native riparian habitat along the river in Mexico. The area is a key habitat for many species of flora and fauna of Sonoran and Baja California, including the endangered Yuma Clapper Rail. In addition, the site is becoming a critical stop-over for North American birds migrating along the Pacific Flyway.

Media are invited to attend.

Friday, Oct. 21 and Saturday, Oct. 22, 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
On-site Contact: Gaby Gonzalez-Olimon, 01-686-564-9399.

CORI site, located in the Laguna Grande Restoration area in Ejido Francisco Murguia in the Mexicali Valley.

From Mexicali: take Hwy 2 south towards San Felipe for 38km. Turn left under the bridge towards Ejido Durango for 26km. Before crossing the Colorado River Bridge, turn right on the dirt road marked “Evento de Reforestación” and follow the event arrows for 6km. Planting area will be on your left.


Hundreds of local volunteers from all walks of life rolling up their sleeves, digging in the dirt and making a significant difference in one of the few green open spaces in the region. The Laguna Grande community park is emerging as a birding hotspot for resident and migratory birds, and is attracting mammals such as bobcats, beavers, and coyotes to this desert oasis.    

Media Contact:
Linda Obele
480-368-7999 – office
602-819-2167 – cell