Pima County Newsroom UNWR Update
US Fish & Wildlife Service meets with county representatives to discuss next steps for the Santa Cruz River UNWR Newsroom | Pima County, AZ
US Fish & Wildlife Service meets with county representatives to discuss next steps for the Santa Cruz River UNWR Newsroom | Pima County, AZ
Our Colorado River Delta Program director, Enrique Villegas was featured in the Sea of Cortez summit talking about our Mexicali Fluye project alongside other environmental projects that are helping transform Baja California! … MORE ›
PBS asks, “Who Killed the Colorado River?” in this special. Along the way they interview our restoration specialist, Tomas Rivas, who discusses hope in the Colorado River Delta and what we are doing… MORE ›
Check out our Santa Cruz River program director, Luke Cole with KOLD News 13 talking about the 5 projects we will work on using Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona grant money we… MORE ›
“The Sonoran Institute, which leads some restoration efforts for the Santa Cruz River, secured a two-year $1.6 million grant from the Water Infrastructure Finance Authority of Arizona, the organization announced in its newsletter… MORE ›
On March 21, water began its release to reconnect the water from the Colorado River to the estuaries of the Sea of Cortez. Read all about this effort lead by several agencies below:… MORE ›
In partnership with the California Water Boards, Mision Del Angel, and the government of Mexicali, Sonoran Institute has started a restoration project in rio Nuevo. Read more here: https://www.ivpressonline.com/adelantevalle/anuncian-proyecto-de-rehabilitaci-n-de-canal-en-mexicali/article_3aa71ff2-7c09-11ee-96df-f332dd388c88.html (Spanish Only)
Learn how Sempra is helping restore the Laguna Grande area in Mexicali: Sempra Foundation’s climate action grants aim for a cleaner future | Sempra
The Santa Cruz River, now listed as one of America’s Most Endangered Rivers® and The Sonoran Institute is leading a group of partners that are seeking to double the flow of the river… MORE ›
AZPM came out during our January River Cleanup and Wildflower Party with Ironwood Tree Experience, beautifully capturing the community building during this event.
Check out the multifaceted history and future of Tucson’s water supply with an in-depth dive with local experts, including our own Dr. Luke Cole
Tucson Weekly highlights our Santa Cruz River Trash Cleanup and Wildflower Dispersal Party and the need to do good in your community. Tucson Weekly
Luke Cole, director of the Santa Cruz River program, talks with Arizona Public Media about all the growth the Santa Cruz River has seen in the past decade. “This is an ancient, important,… MORE ›
Waverly Klaw, our director of the Growing Water Smart program and the Resilient Communities and Watersheds programs discusses the success story that Growing Water Smart alum, Buena Vista has been in the face… MORE ›
Luke Cole and Claire Zugmeyer interviewed with Marana News about the expansion of Dragonfly Days and what the rivers health means for the ecology of the Santa Cruz River. Read about it here:… MORE ›
Waverly Klaw, our director of our resilient communities and watersheds program, talks about the barriers broken down and bridges built by our Growing Water Smart workshops in Colorado! With water-conscious buildings, Colorado aims… MORE ›
The Journey of a great river starts with a single drop. “Sometimes the river reaches the sea and sometimes the sea reaches the river. Little actions can make a huge difference,” – Edith… MORE ›
Mike Zellner, our CEO, meets with Kristen Zeigler of Planet Women to help bolster women in science and our work with women in conservation – including tribal members and their seat at the… MORE ›
Cristal Galindo Jiménez, our field supervisor in Mexicali, talks with Sempra about the impact her work with the Sonoran Institute has had on herself, her community, and the ecology of her area. Climate… MORE ›
Our Tucson team “Talks Trash” with Arizona Luminaria and how to create a community of conservation in Tucson! Seasonal river cleanups could be a new community conservation tradition in Tucson – AZ Luminaria