TUCSON, Ariz. (April 20, 2016) – The Sonoran Institute has made it easier than ever to engage with and support its mission of connecting people and communities to the natural resources that sustain them.
The 25-year-old nonprofit organization, known throughout the North American West and Northwestern Mexico for its work at the nexus of commerce, community and conservation, recently launched a redesigned website, http://www.sonoraninstitute.org/, with a fresh, clean look, easy-to-find information and detailed success stories on the challenges and opportunities facing the West, including: water security, climate change, transportation challenges, renewable energy, economic prosperity, conservation, and growth and infrastructure. The redesign was made possible by generous support from the William B. Wiener, Jr., Foundation of Shreveport, Louisiana; the Zuckerman Community Outreach Foundation of Tucson, Arizona; and individual donors.
New and improved features include:
- Engaging content, embedded video and big, beautiful images that bring to life how the Sonoran Institute helps individuals and community leaders find the delicate balance between sustainable practices and economic prosperity.
- Interactive communication platforms that encourage sharing content from the site via social media.
- A new blog feature where Sonoran Institute experts and guests will discuss projects and issues facing the West.
- A secure, in-site donation portal that promotes confidence in online giving and enables donors to continue browsing the website after they have made a contribution.
“The new website invites readers to drill down from the 30,000-foot level of Our Mission and Vision to the more micro view of our boots-on-the-ground success stories,” said Sonoran Institute CEO Stephanie Sklar. “The intention is to inspire visitors to explore more, engage more with our work, and ultimately to donate to our mission. It’s a purposeful contrast to the old site, which functioned primarily as an information hub.”
Sonoran Institute partners, communities looking for resources, and supporters who have come to rely on the organization’s rich, 25-year-old archive of reports and studies will find them housed in the website’s Resources section. Press releases and news items remain on the site in the News section, where the new blog also is located.
About the Sonoran Institute
Founded in 1990, the Sonoran Institute’s mission is to connect people and communities with the natural resources that nourish and sustain them. We work at the nexus of commerce, community, and conservation to help people in the North American West build the communities they want to live in while preserving the values that brought them here. We envision a West where civil dialogue and collaboration are hallmarks of decision making, where people and wildlife live in harmony, and where clean water, air, and energy are assured. For more information visit: www.sonoraninstitute.org.