Posted July 17, 2023
Luke Cole and our 2022-2023 UA Earth Grant students talk “trash” with Tucson Sentinel.
Posted July 17, 2023
Fransisco Zamora, our senior director of programs, speaks with Colorado Public Radio about the Laguna Grande restoration site in the Colorado River Delta and discuss the history, maintenance and future of this project.… MORE ›
Posted June 7, 2023
Luke Cole, our director of the Santa Cruz River program, speaks about the history of the Santa Cruz River and its importance to the communities that have inhabited the valley for the last… MORE ›
Posted May 26, 2023
John Shepard, our senior advisor for the One Basin initiative, speaks about the future of water policy and collaboration along the U.S/Mexico border as we adapt to changing drought conditions. Drought Crisis Spurs… MORE ›
Posted April 11, 2023
Agriculture makes up a majority of the Colorado River’s water allocation. A new bill passed encourages farmers to dry plots of land or work towards more efficient water use. Read more here: Water… MORE ›
Posted April 11, 2023
“The idea is to integrate the harvested water with cultivating desert-adapted plants. In 2013, the city [Tucson] implemented a Green Streets policy, requiring that new and reconstructed roadways be designed to harvest the… MORE ›
Posted April 11, 2023
“Winter snow accumulation offers water officials a breather as they face the basin’s long-term drought” Read more here” Colorado River reservoirs face grim year despite healthy snowpack (
Posted April 11, 2023
“A Native American tribe in Arizona reached a deal Thursday with the U.S. government not to use some of its Colorado River water rights in return for $150 million and funding for a… MORE ›
Posted April 11, 2023
“[Luke] Cole says Pima County voters helped power the recovery by approving a bond issue that helped cover the cost but there’s still more work to be done on a historic river that… MORE ›