Saturday, October 1, Sonoran Institute will again team up with the University of Arizona, Pima County Natural Resources Parks & Recreation, the Town of Marana, and Mission Garden to bring this family-friendly, bilingual event to our community—in person!
Come be one of the many dragonfly and damselfly enthusiasts that explores these fascinating insects, learns about the Santa Cruz River, and chats with our many partner organizations. The event will include dragonfly tours, river education, and hands-on opportunities.
The event will also celebrate the release of the newest Living River report!
Open House at Mission Garden
9 A.M.–noon.
946 W Mission Ln, Tucson
Visit Mission Garden to view dragonflies flitting around. Experts will be on-hand to answer your questions about dragonflies and the Santa Cruz River in both English and Spanish. Pima County will be on–site for viewing dragonfly larvae and making colorful dragonfly crafts. You can also learn about the Santa Cruz River and the great work being done by: Tucson Audubon Society, Santa Cruz Valley National Heritage Alliance, Watershed Management Group, Friends of El Rio Preserve, Pima County Regional Flood Control District, Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department, Xerces Society, and Pima County Natural Resources Parks and Recreation.
No registration needed.
Guided River Tours
Practice your dragonfly identification skills on a guided tour. Each tour is capped at 20 attendees. Comfortable walking shoes, hats, and water recommended.
Heritage Project Reach
Search for dragonflies along the flowing reach of the Santa Cruz River near downtown Tucson with Michael T. Bogan.
El Rio Preserve
Tour the El Rio wetlands near the Santa Cruz River in Marana and search for dragonflies with Jeff Babson.
Dragonfly Craft Kit
Can’t make it to Dragonfly Day but still want to join the fun? Create your very own dragonfly with our family-friendly fun kit. Celebrate dragonflies with us by posting a picture of your finished craft on social media with #scrdragonflyday. Kits include craft supplies, instructions, and learning materials like the NEW Living River booklet.
Kits will be available for pick-up at Pima County libraries starting September 26 until supplies last.
As we work together to educate our community about the importance that dragonflies and damselflies play in our environment, we hope you will join us in the fun and educational festivities!
Thank you and we hope to see you on October 1, 2022!
This is a FREE event brought to you by Pima County Regional Flood Control District, Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department, Pima County Natural Resources Parks and Recreation, Sonoran Institute, Town of Marana Parks and Recreation, University of Arizona’s School of Natural Resources and the Environment, and Mission Garden. Special thanks to Pima County Libraries.