Letter to Water Infrastructure Finance Authority

Last year, in response to former Governor Ducey’s call for action to address Arizona’s water challenges, the Legislature passed bipartisan, multifaceted legislation to tackle a variety of water issues. As enacted, the new… MORE ›

A park in Colorado with a body of water and city buildings in the distance
Growing Water Smart Ready to Meet Basin Challenges 

In August 2022, five of the largest water providers in the Colorado River Basin signed onto a Memorandum of Understanding outlining their commitments to water conservation, efficiency, and reuse in response to intensifying… MORE ›

Women Leading Conservation

Diverse leadership and gender equity are essential to innovation and success when it comes to tackling climate change and building healthier communities. Today is International Women’s Day, and we are checking in with… MORE ›

Growing Water Smart Reunion

Bringing past participants together to celebrate collaboration and progress In January, we hosted a Growing Water Smart reunion with our Colorado and Arizona workshop alumni. Over 100 program participants joined the online event… MORE ›

Awards for the Best Plans and Policies

Growing Water Smart Award with APA Colorado We work with the Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association (APA Colorado) to recognize exemplary Colorado communities that are integrating water and land use planning… MORE ›

What Sustainability Staff Can Do for Local Government

Sonoran Institute celebrates the crucial steps the City of Longmont has taken—from attending the Growing Water Smart workshop, adding staff focused on sustainability, to making sure their goals match the changing climate. The… MORE ›

An Update From Our CEO

Value Nature More As the temperatures rise in my new home of Tucson, climate change, fire and drought are impacting communities across the Colorado River Basin from the Rocky Mountains to the Delta… MORE ›

Gunnison County Team. Pictured: David Baumgarten, Ashley Bembenek, Will Dujardin, Janet Farmer, Russ Forrest, Roland Mason, Julie Nania, Rachel Sabbato, with workshop facilitators, Faith Sternlieb, Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy and Danielle McPherson, WaterNow Alliance
Teamwork Protects Water Resources

“We’re all in this together” is a spirit that has long sustained the communities of Gunnison County in western Colorado. Nestled in the Rockies and surrounded by national forests, Gunnison Valley is several… MORE ›

A Narrow victory for Colorado Proposition DD

Let’s roll up our sleeves for water resilience… “Now that Proposition DD has passed, we stand ready to work with state and local officials and our partners to ensure that funds allocated to… MORE ›