The Inspiration – The Colorado River Basin, a captivating landscape that winds through seven U.S. states, extends into Mexico, and spans the ancestral territories of over thirty Indigenous tribes. This arid region serves as the lifeblood for 40 million people, providing the water they depend on each day. It’s the heart of our mission at the Sonoran Institute. Map: Our Home – Colorado River Basin
Our custom Sonoran Institute branded cycling jerseys, which we are excited to raffle off during the upcoming El Tour de Tucson 2023 event, were inspired by the significance of the Colorado River Basin. These jerseys serve as a representation of the great work we do across the Basin, highlighting the various programs and initiatives that we have undertaken to protect and restore this remarkable ecosystem.
Ride for Conservation
Enter to win a jersey
For every $5 donation you make now until November 18, 5:30pm you will be entered to win a Sonoran Institute custom branded cycling jersey. The winner will be announced and contacted November 18, at 6:00pm.
Wearing these jerseys isn’t just about fashion; it’s about being part of a community dedicated to conservation. As you don the colors of the Colorado River Basin, you are not only supporting our efforts, but you are also telling a powerful story about the majestic landscapes, the vibrant communities, and the interconnectedness of nature that exists within the Basin.
With your support, we can continue our work to restore the Delta, champion water conservation, and bring communities together to address the challenges that people and nature face in the era of climate change. The Colorado River Basin is not just a place; it’s our shared home.
Join us in celebrating this unique region and showing your dedication to conservation by participating in the raffle and wearing the Colorado River Basin with pride during El Tour de Tucson. Your contribution goes a long way in helping us protect and preserve this vital lifeline.
Conserving and Protecting the Mighty Colorado River Basin – In our quest to preserve this incredible natural wonder, we focus on various critical aspects, each playing a pivotal role in safeguarding the Colorado River Basin.
Growing Water Smart: The rapid growth of cities and towns across the Basin is met with the harsh reality of hotter, drier climates. Through our workshops, we bring together elected officials, planners, and community leaders to establish policies that prioritize water conservation. The aim is to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for the Basin’s residents.
Santa Cruz River: A lifeline for many in southern Arizona, water from the Colorado River adds to the drinking water supply provided by the Santa Cruz River. After it serves its purpose in homes, it undergoes extensive treatment at plants before being returned to the river. This process ensures the year-round flow of the Santa Cruz River, providing essential habitats for wildlife and a scenic haven for outdoor enthusiasts.
Las Arenitas: Half of the water used in Mexicali finds its way to Las Arenitas for treatment. Artificial wetlands play a vital role in the natural purification of wastewater, creating homes for over 140 resident and migratory bird species. This water also flows into Río Hardy, benefiting tourism, agriculture, and local communities like the Cucapá.
Laguna Grande: At this remarkable site, more than 500 acres of cottonwood, willow, and mesquite forests have been carefully restored, forming the densest riparian forest along the river in Mexico. Families and schoolchildren enjoy our Laguna Grande Interpretive Center and immersive nature walks.
Estuary: While the estuary has faced many dry decades, our ongoing efforts bring life back to this crucial ecosystem. The result is flowing water reaching the sea, improved water quality, and increased habitat for diverse bird and marine species. We’re reconnecting the river to the sea, one drop at a time.
The Colorado River Basin is not merely a geographical expanse; it’s our collective responsibility and our cherished home. The Sonoran Institute remains steadfast in its commitment to ensure that this remarkable region continues to thrive and provide for generations to come. Thank you for your support!
RIde For Conservation Enter to win a jersey