Pima County Newsroom UNWR Update

US Fish & Wildlife Service meets with county representatives to discuss next steps for the Santa Cruz River UNWR Newsroom | Pima County, AZ

Anuncian proyecto de rehabilitación de canal en Mexicali – Adelante Valle

In partnership with the California Water Boards, Mision Del Angel, and the government of Mexicali, Sonoran Institute has started a restoration project in rio Nuevo. Read more here: https://www.ivpressonline.com/adelantevalle/anuncian-proyecto-de-rehabilitaci-n-de-canal-en-mexicali/article_3aa71ff2-7c09-11ee-96df-f332dd388c88.html (Spanish Only)

Saving the Environment – Tucson Weekly

Tucson Weekly highlights our Santa Cruz River Trash Cleanup and Wildflower Dispersal Party and the need to do good in your community. Tucson Weekly