Filming the Colorado

The life source of the West seen through film

The Colorado River is an amazing force of nature and a crucial resource for life in the West, but we all know that words don’t have the same impact as seeing a place come to life on screen. Many people have journeyed to different parts of the Colorado River and captured its beauty, struggle and restoration. Hopefully, you’ll see the same beauty that goes beyond words.

Chasing Rivers

Pete McBride paddled and hiked the length of the Colorado River Delta, photographing and filming an unprecedented conservation success—the mighty river’s triumphant, albeit temporary, return to the sea. This film is split into Part 1 and Part 2 on YouTube from National Geographic.

From Hope to Reality: The Colorado River Flows to the Sea

The Colorado River estuary is a world-class treasure, and the cost of restoring it is small compared to its value. We produced this short film in 2019 to share how collaboration, hard work, data and thoughtful efforts our hopes are becoming reality–and can be applied to estuaries around the world!

Into the Grand Canyon | Pete McBride

For the 100th anniversary of the Grand Canyon National Park, join explorer Pete McBride for a virtual journey traversing one of the seven natural wonders of the world, a feat completed by fewer people than those who have stood on the moon. The full documentary from National Geographic is available on Disney Plus.

The Colorado River Delta

Five years ago the US and Mexico cooperated on an unprecedented project: the release of water from the Morelos Dam outside of Yuma into the long desiccated Colorado River Delta. The water wasn’t allocated for cities or irrigation: it was for purely environmental purposes – to measure the revitalizing effect that just a little bit of water could have.

The Colorado

Go on a free-flowing journey through the Colorado River’s diverse history. The full film is available on PBS.

Seeds of Change in the Colorado River Delta

Scientists and volunteers have been working in the Colorado River delta for twenty years to restore the ecosystem to benefit people, the environment, and economies. It takes the efforts of many, an agreement between two nations, and a little water, but together we are planting the seeds of change.

Blog Post by: Shane Stanzel, Marketing Intern