Stephanie Sklar
An Update From Our CEO

It is the season of gratitude for the year’s achievements and the setting of intentions for the year to come. Here at the Sonoran Institute we are looking back on a year of… MORE ›

Stephanie Sklar
Our New Year’s Resolution for 2017

Dear Friend, We begin the New Year here at the Sonoran Institute with a simple message: Thank You! Thank you for your support, your dedication and your continued commitment to our North American… MORE ›

Claire Zugmeyer
Claire Zugmeyer is the lead ecologist and project manager for the Santa Cruz River projects. Joining Sonoran Institute in 2007, she leads a variety of efforts including production of the Living River series…
Cyclovia Tucson

Join us for this Fall’s Cyclovia Tucson with Living Streets Alliance. We’ll be hosting our mock-fish survey, working on a community art project, and talking about the work we do on the Santa… MORE ›

Dragonfly Festival Tours

Join Sonoran Institute and local experts to search for dragonflies at one of four locations. Discover dragonflies with experts at four locations, including walking river tours in the Santa Cruz River channel. Family… MORE ›

Here Fishy-Fishy! The 2023 SI fish survey 

In late 2023, blue skies and sunshine found Sonoran Institute staff, partners, and friends knee-deep in water for our 16th annual fish survey. Their objective: identify which fish species are currently observed in… MORE ›

Bugs and Brews at Playground Bar & Lounge

6:00 P.M. – 9 P.M.  FREE EVENT / FAMILY FRIENDLY  You’ve likely heard about dragonflies along the Santa Cruz River, but did you know we have fireflies too? Join Sonoran Institute’s Santa Cruz… MORE ›

Días de Investigación del Río Santa Cruz

Este evento GRATUITO es un lugar para aprender sobre los esfuerzos de investigación y conservación mientras exploras los recursos naturales y culturales del río Santa Cruz. A través de presentaciones, paneles y discusiones… MORE ›

Water is on the Way: The travelogue completes

We continue to follow the path of the water being delivered to the Colorado River Delta. From the first irrigation gate being opened to seeing the water rejuvenate our restoration sites the water… MORE ›

An Update From Our CEO

The Colorado River Gives Life Now we must give life back to the Colorado River. The Colorado River has been a life source for centuries. As the most iconic river in the West,… MORE ›

Water for the Environment

A lot can be done with just a little water Water is precious in the Colorado River system. It’s refreshing to dip your feet in a creek fed by spring’s snowmelt, but what… MORE ›

Capturing our Annual Fish Survey

On November 13, Sonoran Institute coordinated the annual fish survey at four locations along the Santa Cruz to determine which species are currently in the river. This multi-partner effort included staff from Arizona… MORE ›

An Update From Our CEO

Community-based Conservation & Magic Canoes One of the bedrocks of the Sonoran Institute is its dedication to collaboration. Not just any collaboration. True collaboration where we achieve goals together that we could never… MORE ›