Arizona Growing Water Smart Guidebook

Tailored for Arizona, the Growing Water Smart Water-Land Use Guidebook lays a foundation for how leaders can integrate water and land use planning, mitigate water demand, and address issues of water scarcity and… MORE ›

Our Home: The Colorado River Basin

Welcome to the Colorado River Basin, a landscape where every stream and wash eventually makes its way to the Colorado. Covering seven states in the U.S., two in Mexico and the lands of… MORE ›

Informe anual 2021 (Español)

El informe anual de 2021, La vida retorna gota a gota, muestra el impacto realizado en este año. Estamos sumamente agradecidos de contar con una extensa red de simpatizantes.

Annual Report 2021 (English)

The 2021 annual report, Life Returns Drop by Drop, showcases the impact made this year. We are so thankful to have a vast network of supporters across the United States and Mexico who sustain… MORE ›

Informe Anual 2020. Un miembro del equipo Sonoran Institute usando un pequeño tronco como puente para cruzar el agua en nuestro sitio de restauración, Laguna Grande, en la Delta del Río Colorado.
Informe anual 2020 (Español)

El informe anual de 2020, Conectar. Enriquecer. Sostener., muestra el impacto realizado en el año de nuestro 30 aniversario. Es el apoyo de nuestros donantes y socios que nos han ayudado a trabajar… MORE ›

Annual Report 2020 (English)

The 2020 annual report, Connect. Nourish. Sustain., showcases the impact made in our 30th anniversary year. It is the support of our donors and partners who have helped us work across borders and boundary… MORE ›

Public survey: Santa Cruz River Management Plan

Providing information and soliciting input on proposed project concepts Sonoran Institute has created an online survey to support the Pima County Flood Regional Control District as they consider infrastructure improvement projects that will balance… MORE ›